All Hall of Fame Members

Jarrett Barrios

The first Latino and first out gay man elected to the Massachusetts Senate

Jarrett Barrios, a champion for LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights, has made his mark as a leader across the country. In 1998, he won his first election and served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He later served in the state Senate, making history as the first Latino and out LGBTQ+ person to serve in the body, and chaired the Public Safety & Homeland Security Committee. Post-politics, Barrios held leadership roles, including President of the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission, CEO positions at GLAAD, the Red Cross of Massachusetts, and the Red Cross of Los Angeles, and as a vice-chair for Planned Parenthood Action Fund in New York. He is currently Vice-Chair of the Covered California board of directors and on the Executive Committee of the Center on Law and Social Policy in Washington, DC.

Massachusetts State Senator (2003–2007)

Massachusetts State Representative (1999–2002)

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